25 JULY 1896, Page 1


THE English people love nothing better than a Royal wedding, and this week they have been indulging them- selves to the full, the greater number of them merely by talking and reading about the marriage of Princess Maud of Wales, but some three hundred thousand—there could not have been fewer in the various streets—by getting occasional glimpses of the bride and bridegroom, or of their carriage and escort,—seeing, that is, " the 'oofs of 'orses," like the children in Leech's famous picture. The marriage took place in the ugly little chapel in Buckingham Palace. The Queen and all the chief members of the Royal Family were present, and, as they always do on such occasions, greatly delighted the public by the genuineness and warmth of family feeling displayed. It is perhaps more German than English to show family affection in public, but at heart the English middle class is very Teutonic. The bride- groom, Prince Charles of Denmark, who appropriately wore a naval uniform, pleased the people by his manly yet modest bearing, and the bride showed that touch of nervousness well restrained which the universal opinion of mankind holds to be the proper demeanour of a bride. The ceremony was thus in every sense successful and popular, and it is no exaggeration to say that there has been a genuine feeling of satisfaction in the country at the union of this well-matched and pleasant young couple. The popularity of the Princess of Wales has tended also to make the public look with special favour on a Danish match.