Current Literature.
The centenary of Burns's death would seem likely to produce a flood of verse as well as of prose. Of the poems which the occasion has already produced none can well be more......
The Crime Of The Century. By Rodrigues Ottolengui. (g. P.
Putnam's Sons.)—It may be doubted whether heredity in crimin- ality should be dealt with—or can be dealt with successfully—in fiction. But Mr. Ottolengui, who is admittedly one......
An Indian Journalist. By F. H. Skrine. (thacker, Spink, And
Co., Calcutta.)—Dr. Sambhn C. Mockerja's Life and Letters, as they are set forth in this volume, are worth reading. They give us an interesting glimpse into the life of an......
The History Of Greece. By Adolf Holm. (macmillan And Co.)—
This volume, the second out of the four to which it is proposed to limit the work, contains the history of the culminating period of Hellenic greatness, the fifth century. We......
Recent Novels.*
THERE are few, if any, contemporary novelists to whom one can turn with a greater certainty of procuring good entertain- ment than Mr. Marion Crawford, and these agreeable......
Wholesome Words. By The Rev. C. A. Heurtley, D.d. With
Memoir by the Rev. William Ince, D.D. (Longmans and Co.)— Professor Ince's memoir of his colleague is just what was wanted. A. copious biography would have been out of place ;......