25 JULY 1896, Page 25

A Vis;t to Bashan and Argob. By Major Algernon Heber-Percy.

(Religious Tract Society.)—Some years ago much interest was excited in England by descriptions of remains of primitive archi- tecture in Bashan. The cities of the giants had been found, it was said. In this respect Major Heber-Percy's narrative is some- what disappointing. By far the greater portion of the building which he saw was of Greek and Roman origin, though now and then he came across examples of " Cyclopean " building. One characteristic of these was that they were without windows. The narrative of personal experiences is highly interesting. Major Heber-Percy was accompanied by his wife and his sons, and had an exciting journey. The Drnses were friendly, but the Bedouin were ready to rob and murder if they got the chance. Thanks to their courage, and to their patience, which was quite as necessary as courage, the travellers accomplished their expedi- tion in safety. The illustrations are from photographs, which seem to have been taken with fair success.