Leeures and Essays. By Henry Nettleship. Second Series. Edited by
H. Haverfield, M.A. With Portrait and Memoir. (Clarendon Press.)—This volume contains abundant proof of the varied intellectual activities of Professor Nettleship. The subjects of the essays and papers, eleven in number, have mostly to do with scholarship in that province with which he was more immediately concerned. The first paper deals with an eminent Latinist, Nicolas Madvig, and is a very just appreciation of that scholar's merits. In some respects Madvig's work is superseded. His Latin grammar has given way to books in which more recent thought finds expression. As an amender he had always the fault of an imperfect acquaintance with metre. But Latin scholarship owes him an immense debt. The second article, " The Roman Satura," is reprinted from the recent edition of "The Dictionary of Classical Antiquities." " Literary Criticism in Latin Antiquity," "Classical Latin Prose," and "Latin Grammar in the First Century," were given, we may presume, in the first instance, as lectures from the Latin chair. In the other five papers the writer takes more general views of the functions of classical education, and, indeed, of literature in general. The editor has added an interesting bibliography. As we go through it, and read also the memoir which Mrs. Nettleship has written for the volume, giving the story of what it is not too much to call a model scholar's life, it is impossible not to regret that Professor Nettleship's great powers and singularly large stores of knowledge were not more fully recognised. His opus magnum was a Latin dictionary, a work greatly needed, for it must be confessed that what we have are scarcely equal to what modern scholarship might achieve. He accomplished one complete letter only.