Some of the qualities of that vigorous lady Caroline Anspach,
wife of George II, arc not, I think, appreciated they might be, except by professional historians. I happen have just come across her characterisation of Lord Harring at that time Secretary of State, and it seems a pity not to p it on. "There is a heavy insipid sloth in that man," said H Majesty, "that puts me out of all patience. He must ha six hours to dress, six more to dine, six more for his mistr and six more to sleep, and these, for a Minister, are the fo and twenty admirably well disposed of ; and if now and di he borrows six of those hours to do anything relating to office, it is for something that might be done in six minutes a ought to have been done six days before." There is a cumulau effect here that sets the observation, I think, well above same royal lady's familiar reference to her eldest son "the greatest ass, the greatest liar, the greatest canaille and greatest beast in the whole world, and I most heartily wish was out of it." V.