History Repeats Itself, Sometimes Rather Too Literally. I...
week a letter, in picturesque English, which h reached me from Hong-kong. It appears that the same lett reached another London paper some fourteen years ago, one or two of my......
I Shall Be Surprised If Mr. Seebohm Rowntree's New Poverty
and Progress, does not make history. His Poverty: Study of Town Life, published in 1899, did. A new study the same city, York, forty years later, provides an invalua basis for......
Having Now, I Hope, Paid Due Homage To The Preval
letter, I propose to erase it for a while from my ocabuhry. JANI: s.......
A Spectator's Notebook
A CHANGE in the editorship of The Times ranks as an event of the first journalistic importance from San Fran- cisco to Melbourne and back again the other way. To the general......
A Predatory Authoress Is At Large In London. This Deplorable
fact is vouched for by the Bookseller in its current issue, where it is mentioned that a sub-committee of London booksellers has been set up to deal specifically with the......
Any Ministry Of Information Is As Receptive A Target As
St. Sebastian for arrows from any and every quarter. It is there to be shot at. If it escaped it could only be because it wasn't worth notice. But the Malet Street Ministry,......
Some Of The Qualities Of That Vigorous Lady Caroline...
wife of George II, arc not, I think, appreciated they might be, except by professional historians. I happen have just come across her characterisation of Lord Harring at that......
The Government And V
HERE is not very much V in the new Ministerial changes. These perambulations of secondary Ministers o ne office to another create no conviction of a general ease of efficiency.......