25 JUNE 1831, Page 14


THE KING AND HIS COURT.—The grand event of the week was the

opening of Parliament on Tuesday. The day was uncommonly fine ; the assemblage of people extremely great ; and the whole affair, considered as

a sight merely, exceedingly exhilarating. The Standard, which professes to give, for the benefit of people " in the country," the only true account of the procession, says that the crowd was not greater than usual on such occasions—that the shouting was feeble—that there was no enthusiasm. From our own experience, we can confidently assert that no statement could be more erroneous. The last time that his Majesty went down to open Parliament, the crowd of people and of carriages was very great; but it was not nearly so great as on Tuesday. We do not know if that were what the Standard calls a usual occasion. We remember the last time that George the Fourth went down to open Parliament ; we have no hesitation in affirming, that for one hundred persons present on Tuesday, there were not on that occasion ten, and for

twenty vehicles there was not one. That unquestionably was a usual occasion. To the want of enthusiasm we cannot so well speak, for en- thusiasm is not so easily measured as numbers ; neither can we deter.

mine very accurately on the intensity of the shouting. The only cry in the case of George the Fourth, that we especially remember, was the cry of the soldiers to the crowd to pull off their hats ; that cry we did not hear on Tuesday. We remember, three sessions ago, when a parcel of raga. muffins were hired by the Anti-Catholics to hoot the Duke of Wellington, the editor of a paper, somewhat notorious in those days, went down to en-

courage the hooters, and mingled his sweet voice rather loudly with theirs. Next morning the veracious journal stated, as a piece of news, that the Duke

had been vehemently hissed " by some well-dressed gentlemen." Our contemporary the Standard has, we suppose, fallen into a similar mistake : he was, perhaps, present, and felt no enthusiasm ; the shout that he raised was a feeble shout ; and the handful of Anti-Reformers by which he saw himself supported was an exceeding small handful. The coldness, the weakness, the fewness, he has accurately enough described ; but he has given them to the wrong party. It is the King's enemies that are cold ; it is the King's enemies that are weak ; it is the King's enemies that are few.

His Majesty read the Speech with his usual firmness, although a long- winded document. He was greeted on his return through the Park,

equally as on his departure, with the most lively enthusiasm. The masses of "well-dressed" people that crowded each side of the Mall, all the way from the Horse Guards to the Palace, exceeded any exhibition of the kind we ever before saw in London. The Duchess of Kent and her daughter witnessed the procession from the Palace Garden. The youthful Princess looked uncommonly well.

His Majesty held a Court, and afterwards a Levee, on Wednesday. At the Court, the Lords' Address was read by the Chancellor ; to which his Majesty returned a most gracious ans wer. At the Levee, the following presentations took place.

and Inverary, humbly thanking his G. Staunton.

The Duke of Leinster, with an address Shea, P.R.A.

Walsharn, in Norfolk. H. Durham.

address from the borough of Barn- Visct. Duncan.

was presented by Lord Ebrington. Mr. W. Lewis, by the Earl of Pomfret. Lord Wallace, on his return from the Rev. E. S. Pearce, by Sir 0. Mosley. Continent. Mr. A. Morgan, by Mr. B. Price.

Lord Walsingham, on coming to the by Lord Yarborough.

title, by the Earl of Guilford. Mr. B. Balfour, by Visct. Goderich.

Earl of Aylesford, by Earl 11.3we. his Majesty, by Lord saltoun.

Peer, by Earl Grey. clarence.

Sir W. Burnett, on being appointed a merston.

Guelphic Order, by the Duke of Rich- log.

Hon. H. Vernon, by Lord Vernon. Bolton Hon. and Rev. H. Watson, by Earl Gen. Williams, by Lord Hill. Howe. Mr. Thetyles, by Sir R. Bolton. Hon. C. A. Murray, by tht: Mar. of Lens- Lieut.-Gen. Sir J. H. Dalrymple, by Lord downy. Duncan. Sir E. Hayes, Bart. by Visct. Lorton. Capt. Whitehead, West Kent Regiment, Sir T. E. Winnington, Bart., by Visct. by the Marquis Camden.

Mr. A. Turner, by Visa. Palmerston. Lient-Colonel Sir W. Joffe. Mr. D. Browne, M.P. by Mr. Sinclair. Capt. Aikin, West Kent Regiment, by Mr. H. Tennyson, by Mr. Tennyson. the Marquis Camden. Ser. E. Lewes, by the Lord Chancellor. Lieut. A. Francis, Surry Yeomanry, by Sir J. J. Dillon, Bart., a Baron of the Earl Howe. Holy Roman Empire, by the Earl of Capt. Coote, by the Duke of Gordon. Fingal!. Lieut. Mullen, by Sir T. Pritzler. Sir R. W. Horton, by Visct. Goderich. Major W. D. Jervis, Leicestershire Mill- Sir M. Clare, one of his Majesty's Hon. tia, by the Duke of Rutland. Council of Jamaica, by the Duke of Capt. Elton, by Sir It. Bolton. Manchester. Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. Hutchinson, on being Sir W. G. Cumming, by the Duke of appointed Equerry to the Duke of ussex. Mr. Mount, M.P. for Newport, Hants, Capt. 13olton, by Sir R. Bolton. by Mr. Talbot. Capt. Curteis, by Sir R. Bolton. Col. Sir J. Reynett, on his appointment Capt. Maher, by Col. Wood.

Majesty. by Sir G. Staunton. The Dean of Clogher, by the Marquis of Commander Hay, R.N., on his return Ely. from service, by the Earl of Errol. Rev. Dr. Lardner. by the Right Hon. Lieut.-Col. Wansford, by the Marquis of Sir J. Mackintosh. Ailesbury. Mr. F. Scott, by the Earl of Munster. Lient-Col. Coles, by Col. the Hon. E• Hon. W. H. Leicester, by Lord Hill. Lygon, on promotion. The Rev. 1). S. Stone, by the Hon. Col. M'Creagh, on his return from ser- Champion Dyrnoke. . vice in India, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir C. Mr. P. S. Stewart, M.P. for Lancaster, Halkett.

The Rev. E. Champnes, by Sir E. Hamil- Munster.

ton, Bart. Kirkwood, on his return Lord ' Bart. Erskine, his Majesty's Envoy Es- from India, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir J..

traordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Kempt.

Court of Munich. Maj. G. Mason, by Lord C. Manners. -

The Duke of Argyll, with addresses from Mr. W. H. C. Plowden, late President of the Royal boroughs of Carapbelltown the Select Committee in China, by Sir Majesty for dissolving Parliament. Mr. H. W. Plckergill, LA., by Sir M. A.

from the Union of Athy. L. R. Jarvis, Erq., Deputy-Lieut. for the Lord Suffield, with an address from North county of Rants, by Admiral Sir P. C.

Mr. J. P. B. Chichester, M.P. with an Mr. Stewart, M.P. for Jedburgh, by staple and vicinity. Mr. Chichester Mr. Ross, M.P., by Lord A. Fitzelarenee.

Earl Sefton, on being called to the House Mr. C. J. Barnett, M.P., by Mr. Barnett.

of Peers. Mr. Anderson, North Lincoln Yeomanry, Lord Colchester, by Lord Amherst. Mr. G. Farren, to present his work on Earl of Enniskillen, by Lord Grantham. the Mortalities among the British

Marquis of Northampton, by Lord Arden. Soldiery, dedicated by permission to

Earl of Fingall, onbeing created a British Mr. T. Staner, by the Rev. Lord A. Fitz- the Mission at Brussels, by Lord Pal- Knight Commander of the Royal Lieut.-Gen. Butler, by the Lord in Wait- mood. Mr. Singleton, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir R.

Melbourne. Capt. W. Taylor, Sorry Yeomanry, by


Rev. M. Wale, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir C. Cornet Macquarie, by Sir T. Brisbane.

Mr. G. Forbes, by Sir C. Forbes. Major-Gen. Sir T. Pritzler, on his return Mr. Conolly, by the Earl of Longford. Cavalry, by the Mar. of Lansdowne. Mr. Self, by the Earl of Mount Edge- Lieut. H Rich, by the Hon. F. Byng.

Mr. R. Ellice, by Mr. E. Ellice. Lieut. Holders, by Lieut.-Gen. Lord G. Mr. C. A. Mackenzie, by the Lord in Beresford.

dress of the Commons ; to which also a most gracious answer was given.

Mrs. C. Pemberton, by the Count. of Mr. Fraser of Loyal, by Lord Stafford.

Anne, Count. of Newburgh, by the Dow. bury.

Duchess of Richmond. Lady Lionel Smith, by Lady Dufferin.

Sir David Scott, by Marquis Wellesley. Wynn. Camden. Gen. Lord Lynedoch, on his return from Knowles. Capt. Blallock, by Major-Gen. Sir J.

len. Transports, by Capt. W. Radcliffe,

Mr. Bligb, Secretary of his Majesty's Ens. Boynton, by Major-Gen. Sir C. Dal-

Rev. M. Wale, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir C. Cornet Macquarie, by Sir T. Brisbane.

Mr. G. Forbes, by Sir C. Forbes. Major-Gen. Sir T. Pritzler, on his return Mr. Conolly, by the Earl of Longford. Cavalry, by the Mar. of Lansdowne.

cumbe. Capt. T. Carew, R.N., by Sir J. Graham.

Mr. R. Ellice, by Mr. E. Ellice. Lieut. Holders, by Lieut.-Gen. Lord G.

dress of the Commons ; to which also a most gracious answer was given.

e, Bt. the Marquis of Clanricarde.

Lady G. Needham, by Lady H. W worth. .

Rev. H. Bayntum, by Mr. G. W. Taylor, Earl of Normanton, by Earl Howe.

Rev. G. Burnaby, Chaplain to the Duke Countess of Chichester.

Hon. A. Ponsonby, by the Count. of De Eresby.


Hon. Mrs. Warneford. 111rs. W. Dehany, by Lady Stopford.

Miss A. Stanley, by Lady H. Stanley. marle.

Miss Dowdeswell, by Mrs. Bethell. Miss Thompson, by Lady Gould.

Bliss Mackintosh, by the March. of Laos- vonshire.

Miss Blake, by Lady Johnston. of Dartmouth.

Miss Murray Macgregor, by Lady Eliz- lion. Maj.-Gen. Stuart, by Lord Hill.

Miss Hunter, by Mrs. Forbes. of Albemarle.

Mr. A. Liddell, by Earl Howe. Radnor.

Mr. Cottrell, by the Earl of Vernlam. Mrs. Dick, by Lady Strange.

Mrs. Shipley, by Lady H.Williams Wynn. Mrs. H. Earle, by Lady J. Thynne.

Mrs. C. G. Wynne, by the Countess of Munster.

Mrs. Trockmorton, on her marriage, by Dr. W. Ainslie, by the Earl of Munster.

Mrs. Lawley, by the Countess of Had- Countess of Chichester.

Rev. W. Cooper, on his reappointment Mr. Smith, by the Earl of Digby.

Mrs. Eyre, by Anne, Count. of Newburgh. Sir E. H. Macgregor, by Lord Glenlyon.

the Select Committee in China.

Bfr.Debany, by the Lord Chancellor. Mrs. Annesley, by Countess of Abingdon.

Miss Coates, by Lady M.,Coates. Hon. Mrs. Warneford, by Mrs. Parnther.

Miss M. Murray, by Lady S. Murray. Hon. Mrs. Greville, by the Countess.

bliss I. Kenrick, by the Count. of Lona- Bliss Hellen Shelley, by her mother, Lady Hon. Mrs. Warneford. 111rs. W. Dehany, by Lady Stopford. Miss Scott, by the Dow. March. of Solis- Mr. G. W. Tobin, by the Duch. of Gordon.

Irvine, by the Hon. Mrs.

Bliss J. Delme, by the Count. of Albe-

Miss S. Inge, by Lady Graham. Mr. R. Abercrombie, by the Duke of De- downe. The Hon. Mrs. N. Lane, by the Count.

The Hon. Mrs. Hood, by Viscount. Hood. Bliss A. Brander, by her mother, Mrs. The Hon. Mrs. Trevor, by Lady Mary- abeth Murray Macgregor. The Hon. G. Fortescue, by Sir G. Bam..

Mrs. Brander, by Mrs. . acpoole.

Hon. Mrs. F. P. Bouverie, by the Count.

Mrs. Richard Musgrave, by the Countess

Sir. . Andrea's, by his Father.

Duke William of Brunswick, as a descendant of George the Second, LONDON Suemeess—The nomination took place yesterday. The can- didates were Mr. Alderman Cowan, Mr. John Pine, Alderman Scales, and Mr. Addinell. Alderman Scales demanded a poll : the numbers at the close of yesterday were—Cowan 126, Pine 123, Scales 66, Ad- elinell 1.

MEMBERS FOR Maean.cuorns—Colonel Jones and Major Revell were nominated, at a meeting held last night, at the Oxford Street Bazaar Coffee-house.

THE Poon feint —The Lord Mayor has directed charity-boxes to be fixed in front of the Mansionhouse, and other conspicuous places, for the reception of pence and halfpence in aid of the fund for the starving pea- santry of Ireland. . . On Sunday the 12th, the Reverend Dr. Thorpe preached a sermon at the Lock Chapel, Grosvenor Place, for the benefit of the distressed Irish; after which a collection of 450/. was made—a sum almost unprecedented on such occasions.

At Mr. living's chapel, on the same day, 3201. was collected.

Tug QUEEN CAROLINE FUND.—Alderinan Wood, in answer to a sub- scribir to the Queen Caroline fund, who suggested that it should be ap- propriated to the relief of the Irish, has published a letter stating, that, although Treasurer, no part of • the money was ever in his hands, but was placed by the sub.treasurers in the bank of Messrs.

Coutts and Co., in the names of trustees, and invested in Exchequer Bills; in which it still remains, with an accumulation of interest. With respect to the appropriation of the fund, the original Committee, at va- rious meetings held since the death of Queen Caroline, have resolved to purchase a piece of freehold land, on which should be erected a pillar or alms-houses to the memory of that unfortunate Princess. The Trustees have Made many efforts to obtain an eligible spot, but hitherto without MICCBSS.

THE HOIMCULTURAL FETE.—This fete took place on Wednesday. The day was uncommonly flue; the company very numerous, and very gay ; and the whole preparations well calculated to give satisfaction. A great number of detached marquees were pitched in various spots up and down the gardens ; and there were covered walks, had the weather sendered them necessary, more than sufficient to shelter the whole of the visitors. The refreshments were ample, and easily come at ; and, we need not add, were duly honoured. There was a military band at one ,end of the piece of water in the northern part of the garden, and the Russian horn band was stationed at the other; there were also quadrille • bands, for those who were inclined to dance on the lawn, which had been 'smoothly shaven and rolled for the purpose. The company assembled .early in the forenoon ; and it was not until ten o'clock in the evening that God save the King" gave the late signal to part. The number of • tickets sold, exclusive of those issued to members, was not much short of three thousand ; and it may be reasonably supposed, that very few .of those who had tickets neglected to use them..

ST. JOHN'S HOSPITAL, CLERKENWELL.—This hospital; after a pes Tied of 297 years, was re-opened yesterday, for the purpose of affording :advice and medicine to the sick poor, without any distinction of country or creed, on producing a letter from any one of the Knights of St. John

of Jerusalem, or any subscriber to the hospital.

WILTSHIRE SOCIETY.—This Society held its fifteenth anniversary .meeting at the Albion Tavern on Thursday ; Mr. Benett was in the .chair. In the course of the evening 100/. was received in donations.

NEW BEER TILIDE.—A petition was agreed to at a meeting held in the .Crown and Anchor tavern yesterday, praying Parliament to extend 'to licenses Under the new Beer Act the same privileges as to those granted to licensed victuallers.

IIUNGERFORD Mastawr.—The first stone of the new Hungerford Mar- ket Was laid on Saturday, by Lord Dover; his Lordship's first public act. Silas Ssia..--On Monday, the sale of Bengal silks commenced at the East India House ; it was very fully attended. Of Company's goods .there were declared 2800 bales; of privileged silks, 1700 bales of China, and 1000 bales of Bengal. The Company's Banlealis were first put up 'but there were few or no buyers above the taxed price.