London And Provincial News.
THE KING AND HIS COURT.—The grand event of the week was the opening of Parliament on Tuesday. The day was uncommonly fine ; the assemblage of people extremely great ; and the......
The Affairs Of Belgium Remain Without Alteration. The...
has addressed a note to the Conf_e renee , c ailing on them to state what answer had been returnef l A to the 22nd Proto- col. This note is dated the 5th. A second note, of the......
The Principal Cry In France, At The Present Moment, Seems
to be a reform of the Chamber of Peers,—in other words, the abro- gation of hereditary peerage, and the appointment of a Senate, whose members shall possess in themselves and......
Foreign Affairs.
GENERAL DIEBITSCH died on the 10th instant, at Kleczeeo, near . Pultusk, a town about thirty miles north of Warsaw. The cause of his death has been variously assigned. The first......