PRECAUTIONS AGAINST CIIOLERA.—An order in Council, dated 17th June, extends
the quarantine to the case of Hamburg steam vessels, where they happen to have on board "wool of all kinds, cordage not • tarred, yarn of all kinds, down, feathers, flax, furriers' waste, hair of all kinds, hemp, quills, rags, skins, hides, furs (whether dressed or un- dressed), tow. ' Where steam-vessels (and with steam-vessels are in- cluded, by a stretch of indulgence, sailing-vessels under similar circum- stances, from the Hanseatic towns and other ports in the mouth of the Elbe) have no such enumerated goods, they will be allowed to pass free. There is not the slightest evidence that cholera ever was communicated by goods, ergo goods subject a vessel to a detention by which commerce is almost suspended ; there is what some people deem evidence that cho- lera has been communicated by persons, ergo persons are not subject to detention !
There is a second order on the subject, dated the 20th, announcing - the formation of a Board of Health ; and calling on all persons in an- .thoiity, in the event of any one's being afflicted with the disorder, to communicate the same, without delay, to the Government.
At Riga, the deaths from this disease still appear in the same frightful proportion of about 11 to 2 of the cases. At Dantzic, in 139 cases, 88 have died. It was reported that the disease had broken out at Memel; but this story seems without foundation. There was a report of a more alarming kind, that it had broken out at Detain ; but, on investigation, this proved not to be the case. The report seems to have originated in the sickness of a seaman belonging to a vessel lately returned' from the ;Baltic, which sickness had the appearance (so say the newspapers) of Indian cholera : he is now convalescent. The Scotch are in great terror on account of the vessels which were performing quarantine in the Forth being ordered to Cromarty Bay ; where, it is said, there is no .establishment to insure its performance. Their terror will not be de- creased by the importance the disease has attained to from being the 'subject of a Royal Message.