ATTEMPTED MURDER IN Sr. Paut.'s.—On Wednesday, a Frenchman was charged,
at the Guildhall, with attempting to murder his master in the dark staircase between the stone gallery and the iron gallery of St. Paul's. The hat of the complainant, also a Frenchman, was knocked off; and he stated that he received several severe knocks on the head, which was much cut ; but by whom the knocks were inflicted, was not so clear. The accused party strongly denied the charge ; and except the wounds of his master, there was nothing to implicate him. There were, it seems, no loose stones on the staircase, no instrument was found on the prisoner, nor were his hands or any part of his clothes or person bloody. The only assigned object of the servant, was a desire to get possession of the pro- perty of his master, who was on the eve of sailing for Brazil ; but to murder a man in a church with such a; view, and while there were snangers visiting the building close behind him, seemed of all plans the most strange. The master declining to prosecute, nothing was done in the case, but to detain the man until the dismissal of the Grand Jury, when be will be discharged. The master sails for Rio on Monday. We think it quite possible that the party hurt, in recovering himself after picking up his hat, struck his head against the wall ; and that the rest of the story was purely the effect of his heated imagination. Mn. MiernEws.—Not Charles, but Mr. Marriot Mathews, of the Comptroller's Office, disappeared in a mysterious way on the 14th. A young Waterman, named who is in custody on account of some supposed connexion with the Davis,lisappearance, states, that after rowing Mr. Mathews for some time, in his own boat, he was landed by that gentleman in some coalscraft near Blackfriars Bridge ; the gentleman then rowed away, and Davis never saw him again. Two examinations of Davis have taken place, but no fresh fact has been elicited. He still remains in custody. Mr. Mathews's boat has been recovered.
MURDER BY A Warenums.—The disputes between the colliers and their masters have led to the appointment of watchmen to protect the property of the latter. At Fogg's colliery, near Boffin:, three men, named Trotter, Mawes, and Gowies, were thus employed. On Tues- day last week, some altercation took place between these men and two women, with the husband of one of them; returning from Ringly by the towing-path of the canal near which Fogg's colliery is situated : one of the watchmen fired a shot at the party, which struck one of the females, and wounded her face in a frightful manner, and penetrating the head, lodged in the brain ; the Woman died soon after. The woman has left six young children and a husband ; who to add to his misfortunes, was lately severely crushed in mill where lie worked. Genies is said to be the man who fired. .
DARING Roattenv.—On Monday night, Mr. James Marshall, a gen- tleman residing at 22, King Street, Soho, was robbed of 20 Napoleons, 28 sovereigns, 601. in Bank of England. notes, three gold rings, and a massive gold chain of the value of 12/. Last week, Mr. Marshall intro- duced a person of the name of Jean Plante Osmin to lodge at No. 22.. Osmin was seen on- Monday in Mr. Marshall's room ; and, on Mr.. Marshall's return home, he discovered that his box had been broken, open, by filing off a padlock that was attached to it. He had shown Osmin where he kept his money ; and it is presumed he has made off with it, as he left his lodging on the night of the robbery, and has not since been heard off.
ARRESTING TILE DEAD.—On Monday last, in the Marketsplace, Old- ham, a person named Taylor attempted to arrest the corpse of a young man for a debt of 10/. The funeral procession halted ; and, during the altercation, the police stepped in and took the arrester into custody. Taylor requires the schoolmaster ; such arrests are illegal. Rios Ar MERTUYR TYDVIL.—Inquests have been holden on two of the bodiss of the men who fell in this unhappy affair ; and a verdict or " justifiable homicide " returned in both cases. The other bodies were buried by the rioters. The account of the riot, given by the evidence at the inquest, did not differ essentially from former accounts. Thirty Muskets were wrenched from the soldiers, and a great number of them were knocked down, before the orders to tire were given.
THE SERPENUNE.— Two young men were drowned while bathing in the Serpentine on Tuesday night. One of them was recognized as die adopted son of a Mr. Willington, in Somers Town. In the pockets of tho other were found a valuable coral necklace, with golden clasp, a White ring, twenty-six pawnbrokers' duplicates, twenty coloured handkerchiefs, and a Russian book. The duplicates were for silk handkerchiefs, watches, rings, shawls, pins, and brooches. The young man is supposed to have been pursuing his avocations as a pickpocket in the procession to the House of Lords. He fell a sacrifice to his humanity, having dived after the other sufferer, with a view to save him,—thus living by roguery
and dying by honesty. . .
TIIUNDER STORMS.—During the week before last, the .neighbourhoods of York, Aloe, Wetherby, Northallerton, Think, Mansfield, and Naworth Castle, were visited by some very severe thunder-storms. At Alne, a small farm-house was struck by the electric fluid, and instantly set in a blaze ; and one of the inmates had her doilies burnt by the lightning. At Spofford:, near Wetherby, a young woman was killed in her bed-room. A cow, a horse, and four sheep, were killed at Keartiy, in the same neighbourhood. In the vicinity of Thirsk, a cow, three calves, and four lambs were killed, and many trees shivered' to atoms. Several large stones, were thrown down from the tower of Naworth Castle, the Earl of Carlisle's seat, but no very serious damage was occa- sioned. At Mansfield, the roof of a house was struck, all the windows and frames completely demolished, and a young woman and a little girl in one of the front rooms killed on the spot.
COLONEL Goanoss—On Sunday, the body of this officer' who was lost in the Frolic steam-packet, was thrown on shore near Dunrayen Point.—Cambrian.
BEWARE OF GREEN PEAS !—A young female died on Thursday, in consequence of injudiciously eating a quantity of undressed green peas, whilst engaged in shelling them.— 1 Vesiern Luminary.
ALARMING FIRE.—A most destructive fire occurred at Tivertonon Thursday night. It has destroyed twenty-seven houses in Frog-street, on tholeft-hand side, extending to the Queen's Head public-house.— Taunton Courier.