GAZETTE IsisrELLIGEsrce.—The Gazettes of the week notice the elevation of
the Earl of Leitrim to the British Peerage, by the title of Baron Clements; and the conferring the honour of Knighthood on Mr. Wilmot Horton, iGovernor of Ceylon. They also announce that a Commission has been appointed by the King to afford counsel advice and assistance to persons desirous of emigrating. The Com- missioners meet at the Colonial Office, Downing Street—they are the Duke of Richmond, Vissount Howick, Mr. F. 1'. Baring, Mr. II. Ellis, and Mr. R. W. Hay ; Mr. Huy to act as Secretary.
it or WELLIN TO N.—Previous to the Waterloo banquet, given by the Duke of Wellington on Saturday last, the King presented his. Grace with a superb sword, enriched with figures and inscriptions com- memorative of the great occasion.
TUE LAST BAZAAR.—On Thursday, a ladies' bazaar was held at the Hanover Square Rooms, for the benefit of the Seaman's Floating Hos- pital. At half past twelve, the Queen, the Princess Victoria, the Land- gravine of Hesse Homburg, and several other members of the Royal Family arrived, and, attended by Lord Howe, walked round the room, and afterwards took their station in the Royal box. Her Majesty ap- peared to be in excellent health and spirits, and examined with great interest the various fancy articles presented to her notice. We fear these pretty exhibitions will fail in attraction by and by ; the charities, like the players, when they get a good thing, never know when to have done with it.
GRESHAM Pit= Menat..—It is intended to establish an annual prize medal for the best original composition in Sacred Vocal Music; the words to be selected from the Canonical Scriptures, Apocrypha, or Liturgy of the Church of England. Mn. SERGEANT SPANKIE.—On Wednesday, Mr. Sergeant Spankie was appointed standing counsel to the East india Company, in the room of Mr. Adam.
REDUCTION OF SALARIES.—After the 5th of July next, 2001. a year. is to be taken from the salaries of each of the Commissioners of Customs, The Chairman retains his salary in full, but the Deputy-Chairman is to be reduced by 150/. a year. Two Commissioners of Excise,- and as many of Customs, are to retire at once ; and each Board is to be dimi- nished. by two more, as they drop. off. The Secretaries of both Boards, are to be reduced at the rate of 25 per cent. In other departments a similar reduction is to take place.—Globe.
ROSCOMMON REPRESENTATION—The 0-Connor Don has addressed the county, and has claimed the indulgence of not personally canvassing,: owing to the late event of his father's death. Captain Lloyd has also addressed the county : he has Lord Lorton's interest. Loan CLONC R Y.—We expect to be able in a few days to announce that the people of Ireland have one more incorruptible representative of their interests in the House of Peers, in the person of him Who glories in the appellation of the" Poor man's Magistrate."—Dublin Times. MRS. RENAUD.—This once excellent actress, better remembered as the lovely Mrs. Powell, has been several years engaged in the Edins. burgh Theatre ; but having been unable to perform for the last eighteen
months, she is now suffering the accumulated pains of want, sicknesss and old age. It is proposed to obtain for her that relief which she a 80 often administered to others, by means of a benefit ; and Mr. Kernble has kindly granted his permission that it shall take place at Covent Gar- den Theatre on Tuesday or Wednesday next. Kean has handsomely consented to give his assistance ; and T. P. Cooke, and other eminent performers, have likewise offered their services.—Globe. [Our contem-
porary hopes the proposed benefit will effect its benevolent object ; any additional claim to public attention which our best wishes for the aged and respectable lady whom it is meant to serve can impart, we most cheerfully add.] THE CROPS.—Hay harvest is now general throughout Sussex and Kent, and most of the Southern counties ; where it is represented as extremely abundant. In Bedford, where the harvest has just begun, in the neighbourhood of Birmingham and of Sheffield, and in the Northern counties generally, so far as reported, the crop will, it is said, be good, but light. The hop-grounds in Kent and Sussex are described as healthy; the fly having greatly diminished. This is, however, a crop which is of all others the most precarious. The wheat, barley, and oat crops, in every quarter of the country, are described as promising more than usual abundance, principally in consequence of the late favourable rains. Fruit is said to be plentiful in the North of Ireland. Around London, the cold frosts that assailed it about six weeks ago, very nearly annihi- lated the fruit crop, unless in very sheltered situations. The potato crop in Clare never looked better ; and indeed that crop everywhere promises abundantly.
CLIFTON SUSPENSION BRIDGE-0n Monday, the stupendous work of the Suspension Bridge across the Avon, from Clifton heights to Lea- wood, was commenced under the superintendence of the Trustees and Mr. Brunell junior, their engineer.
THE SHOOTING SEasoN.—The prospects for the sportsmen for the ensuing season have not been excelled at any time within the last twenty years. We have been informed by gentlemen who have lately gone over some of the Perthshire moors, that the coveys were unprecedently nu- merous and large.—Perth Courier.
1 SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE.—Another sale of the fragments of Sir Tho- mas's study took place at Christie's on Saturday last. In noticing the ' sale, the Chronicle enumerates two "figures of the Duke of Wellington' without a head, which," he adds, " in spite of the likeness, fetched only four guineas." Satirical rogue ! , LITERARY QUARANTINE.—The letters and papers delivered by the IHamburg steam-boat, which arrived on Wednesday, presented an extra- ordinary appearance. The letters in particular were much disfigured,
owing to the efficient measures adopted by the quarantine officers to pre- ' vent the introduction of the cholera morbus into this country.
NO PLAY NO PAY.—The Secretary of the Lewes Equitable Associa- tion, when be recently called at the Lewes Bank to receive Mr. Done- van's yearly subscription as an honorary member, was informed by one of the firm, that an order had been received from Sir John Shelley, who is also an honorary member, to pay his subscription. The order, how- ever, was accompanied as follows : "Be pleased to say, as Sir Charles Blunt has taken my place in the borough, I shall discontinue my sub- scription." !! !—Brighton Guardian.