WAR-Omen, June 21.-4th Light Dragoons : Cor. B. H. Blake to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Gibson, promoted; J. Vernon, Gent, to be Cor. by purchase, vice who ho retires-9th Light Dragoons: Capt. A. Lord Harley, from the half-pay, to be Capt. vice NV. E. Fitzmaurice, who exchanges-4th Post: Lieut. C. Burnley, from the half-pay of the 22nd Regt. to be Lieut. vice Pousonby, appointed to the 7th Regt.-7th Foot: Lieut. W. B. Ponsonby, from the 4th Rect. to be Lieut. vice Pitcairn, appointed to the 92nd Rect.-461h Foot: Capt. T. Thompson to be Major by purchase, vice Nairn, who retires; Lieut. J. Taylor to be Capt. by purchase, vice Thompson; Ens. W. T. Bremner to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Taylor; F. Lucas Gent, to be Ens. by purchase, vice Bremner-47th Foot: Brevet Lieut.-Col. J. Jenkin, from the half-pay, to be Major, vice F. Heaney, who exchanges-53rd Foot Lieut. 11. Dyott, from the hal f•pay, to be Lieut. vice E. Browne, who exchanges —69th Pout: Capt. It. NV. Hooper, from the half-pay of the 3rd Dragoon Guards, to be Capt. vice J. O'Meara, who exchanges; Gentleman Cadet C. J. Coote, from the Royal Military College, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Hankey, promoted-72nd Foot; Lieut. W. H. Robinson to be Capt. by purchase, vice Watts, who retires; Ensign C. W. M. Payne to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Robinson ; A. Harris, Gent. toibe Ensign, by purchase, vice Payne—S.5th Foot: Lieut. Hon, A. A. Cooper to. be Capt. by purchase, vice Wilmot, promoted; Ensign A. Coryton to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Cooper - A. R. Rose, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Coryton•-. 98th Foot: C. H. Kennedy, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Stretton. whose appointment has not taken place—Rifle Brigade; Major-General Sir George Ride. out Bingham, K.C.B. to he Colonel-Commandant of a Battalion, vice Lieut.-General Sir T. S. Beckwith, deceased ; Lieut. NV. Sullivan to be Capt. by purchase, vice Kincaid, who retires; Sec.-Lieut. E. H. Glegg to be First Lieut. by purchase, vice Sullivan; A. W. B. Greville, Gent, to be Sec.-Lieut. by purchase, vice Glegg. Unattached.—To be Major without purchase—Brevet Major H. Smith, from the Ceylon Rifle Regt. To be Major by purchase—Capt. E. Wilmot, from the 85th Regt. Staff.—Major A. L. Hay, on the half-pay of the 96th Rect. to be Deputy Adj.- Gen. to the Forces serving in the Windward and Leeward Islands (with the rank of Lieut.-Col. in the Army), vice Craig, who resigns.