FRIDAY EVENING.—Consols left off on Saturday at 83; Exchequer Bills 10s. to Us.; Brazilian Bonds 481. Money has been scarce, from 4 to 5 per cent, being asked for loans on Stock. The King's Speech did not make much impression in the City in any way—what impression it made was rather favourable. The unsettled State of the Belgian question led to a depression in Consols on Thursday : they closed at 8211. Brazilian Bonds, the same day, recovered greatly; they were done so high as 52, and left off at 511. A good deal of speculation prevailed on 'Change this afternoon respecting an order of Government to take up immediately 2,000 tons of transport shipping: it is generally supposed to have reference to the quarantine Imposed on Baltic and Hamburg vessels. • S•ArnanAr, Tivszva o'CLoca.—Consols, 821; Brazilian, 514i.
Bank Stock .... 198 99 3 per Cent. Red. 811} 3 per Cent. Cons. — • St per Cent. New —
• Consols for Acct. 821 Long Annuities Ulf 'Ex. Mils, 10001. 10 11 'India Bonds . par to 2 pm +Brazilian.... .. il
Buenos Ayres... — Chilian . ... 19 20 Colombian. ... 13 14
Danish.... 611 2* Greek....... .. 18 20 Mexican ....... 391 40 Peruvian ....... 12 13 Portuguese ..... 43 45 Russian........ 91/ 21
Spanish.. ..... 15* f Ditto, New MABEE, Bolanos 150 170 Brazilian . 44 46 Columbian ... . 5.* 6* AngloMexican 21 22
United Mexican 8 81