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The nomination of candidates for South Warwickshire takes place to-day: the polling will be on Tuesday and Wednesday next. Both parties speak confidently.
From the Courier of yesterday- " The letti r of which the following is a copy was received on Thursday, from Mr. Shirley's agent at Soutbam it is only one of many calling opus landlords to drive their tenants to poll like sheep to market. Will the farmers of Warwick-shire allow this ? Truly, Toryism is at a low el.b when such prac- tices are resorted to. We trust that Reformers will not forget that revery eme is of consequence.' "
Southam, 92d June
Sir—I am requested to Inform you that your tenants, dit•—• Jse-•-• and L P—, are inclined to vote for Sir Gitey SkIpwith. the Radical candidate, and to ex- press a hope that you will use your influenee with them to vote for Mr. Shirley, as the contest will be very severe, and every vote is of consequence. " I have the honour to be; Sir.
" Your very obedient servant. (Signed) " WILLIAM TAYLOR." Mr. O'Connell has promised to take an early opportunity of dining with the Reformers of Worcester.
It is anticipated that the strength of parties in this city will be put to a severe test, whenever a general election shall take place, by the Whig and Reform interest placing in nomination our present Mayor, C. H. Hebb, Esq., in conjunction with their late Representative, Colonel Davies, contemplating the possibility by this arrangement of carrying the election of two Liberal Members.— Worcester Herald. [What is to become of Robinson ? does not he pass for a Liberal at Wor- cester ?)