25 JUNE 1836, page 12

Yesterday, Mr. James Duke And Mr. T. Tegg Were Unanimously

elected Sheriffs for the year ensuing ; Mr. Alderman Johnson, Mr. Alderman Thomas Wood, and Mr. Alderman James White, whose names had been placed upon the list, having begged......

The Anniversary Dinner Of The Middlesex Conservative...

on Wednesday, at the New English Opera.house. The pit was boarded over, and the stage canopied with an awning, which gave it a very beautiful, and as the Morning Post says, "......

Death Of Mr. James Mill.

This great man paid the debt of nature on Thursday last, at his house in Kensington. For more than a year he was incapacitated froni attending to the duties of his office, Chief......

Ebr Siirtropati1.

THE NORTON AND MELBOURNE TRIAL. Tim Court of Common Pleas WitS completely filled at an early hour on Wednesday, by persons anxious to hear the trial of the case of Norton versus......

In The Central Criminal Court, On Monday, Frederick...

was convicted of forging a check to defraud a Mrs. Jeffrey ; and was sentenced to transportation for life. • On Tuesi ay, upwards ZOO gallons of manufactured spirits, on which......

Sir Lionel Smith Will Succeed The Marquis Of Sligo At

Jamaica. Mr. John Power, of Kilftine, Mr. John Kennedy, of Mount Ken- nedy, and Mr. Francis Workman M'Naughten, have been created Baronets. Mr. Leonard Horner has been appointed......

El), Eautittit.

The nomination of candidates for South Warwickshire takes place to-day: the polling will be on Tuesday and Wednesday next. Both parties speak confidently. From the Courier of......