Yesterday, Mr. James Duke and Mr. T. Tegg were unanimously
elected Sheriffs for the year ensuing ; Mr. Alderman Johnson, Mr. Alderman Thomas Wood, and Mr. Alderman James White, whose names had been placed upon the list, having begged that they might be passed over this year. Domestic affliction and a press of other affairs were stated to be the causes of their not wishing to serve the office at present. The Chamberlain, Auditors, and other officers, were re- elected without opposition.
The proprietors of East India Stock had a meeting on Wednesday; when much satisfaction was expressed at the determination of Govern- ment to equalize the duties on East and West India sugar. The fol- lowing letter of Sir John Hobhouse to Sir James Carmac was read, in explanation of the Ministerial plan.
" Board of Control. 24th June 1836. " My dear Sir—The Chancellor of the Exchequer will explain his plan to-night. It is this. That all sugars coining from India with a certcate of origin will, in point of duty, be assimilated with West India sugars. Steps roust however be taken entirely to prohibit the introduction of foreign sugars into the sugar-growing and exporting provinces of India, although such restrictions need not apply to the other parts of that empire. The whole system of drawback will be subject to future modification. I trust that this plan will be quite satisfactory. I remain, &c. &c. (Signed) "JOHN HOHHOUSE."
The quarterly sale of raw silks by the East India Company com- menced on Tuesday. The declaration consisted of 2,00) bales of Bengal, and the attendance of buyers was very numerous. The quan- tity which passed the sale during the day was 440 bales. The quota- tions realized varied considerably; a portion of silks fetching the pre- vious sale prices, while others went off at an advance. The average prices of silk are estimated at from 5 to 7 per cent. above what they were at the Company's sale in March last.
The vestry of the parish of Saint Martin have resolved, with only one dissentient voice, that the consideration of the question for the assessment of a church-rate should be postponed for twelve months, in the expectation that his Alajesty's Ministers will in the mean time abo- lish the same.