cent. upon the whole capital invested in the construction of all the Canals an system as a benefit, as offering them a safe and unobjectionable investment. support, by citing some instances of the remarkable success and exorbitant been found, that however great may have been the instances of individual suc- cess, the return upon the whole capital expended upon these enterprises has not been at all to the supposed extent ; the average not having exceeded 2i per capitalists, we have no doubt that they would consider an extension of the liable to such restrictions as Parliament may hereafter adopt, has been the subject of much discussion ; and an apparent case has been made out for its profit upon the outlay which has been the result of some of the Canal under- takings of the last century. But, in order to come to a right conclusion, the inquiry should have been of a more extended nature ; when it would have residing in the country, send hankers' bills at days' date to London credit, are easily discounted ; and so far from being viewed with alarm by the extent of some millions—ten or twenty times more than the property which forms the basis of the whole transaction. The Times gives this information as the result of a recent discovery ; but the practice has existed for nearly two years, and is really a very safe and simple one. Purchasers of Railway Shares in payment of them. These bills, being always drawn on bankers of the first still at work here. The Times pretends to see cause for alarm in the traffic in shares are passed from hand to hand, fresh bills are given, and these are dis- counted by the Joint Stock Banks. Thus, paper is put into circulation to the a slight pressure for a few days. bills of exchange given for Railway Shares. The Times says, that as the into the Exchequer consequent upon the end of the quarter will probably cause English Funds have remained stationary. Money has been abundant, although it will doubtless be in demand in the course of next week ; when the payments C,The Duke of WELLINGTON'S clause for rendering the profits of Railways The panic in America seems to have subsided, but the financial alarmists are Very little business of any kind has occurred since our last report. The Great Britain.
In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock has maintained its price ; and unless some extraordinary political or military reverse should occur, the price is likely still to improve, as the markets both of France and Holland are rising. The Railway Shares are, with few exceptions, neglected. The great traffic which existed for some time between Liverpool and London has almost entirely ceased.
The business in the Foreign Market has, however, been so limited as not to affinal any subject for remark ; and almost all the current descriptions of Stock are steady at our last quotations. SATURDAY. TWELVE O'CLOCI. There is not much doing, excepting in Spanish Stock, in which a few sales have occurred at reduced prices. SATURDAY, FOUR O'CLOCK.
: Spanish Stock has been so low as 41i, but closes
Very little business doing
at 414 42.
3 per Cent. Consols
— Dutch 24 per Cents
574 Ditto for Account
French 3 per Cents
- New 34 per Cent. Anus
Mexican 5 per Cents. 344 India Stuck 2094 410
Portuguese 3 per Cents. .... 531 54
Bank Stock ---.
Do. Regency 5 per Cent....
8211 Exchequer Bills
111. 13s. Russian, 1421. 5 per Cent...
1104 Belgian 5 per Cents
Spanish. 1834.5 per Cent. ..
414 42
Brazilian 5 per Cents
Ditto, Deterred
194 4
Danish 3 per Cents.
— Ditto, Passive 124 I