Mr. Lincoln has been nominated with very great unanimity by
the Baltimore Conservatives, and has indicated his willingness to take the nomination if he could heartily accept their platform. As far as the anti-slavery principles are concerned he accepts them cordially, but there seems to have been also conditions for the Monroe doctrine, and for a reconstruction of his Cabinet, which means no doubt the dismissal of Seward. General Fremont, the nominee of the Cleveland Convention and of the German party, has written a clever and telling letter asserting that the Govern- ment of Mr. Lincoln is a " military dictatorship without its unity of action and vigour of execution." He accepts the nomina- tion, he says, only to prevent Mr. Lincoln's nomination, and not to prevent the choice of any other candidate, and he has resigned his commission in the army to regain liberty of speech. Mr. Lin- coln's position has no doubt been difficult, and many of his actions open to criticism ; but it is difficult to conceive that General Fremont, or any other Republican, could have done so little that was really tyrannical and so much t) develop the soundest public opinion of the country in an emergency so diffi- cult.