The Poems Of Robert Lowell. (dutton And Co., Boaton.)—a....
little volume, full of delicate sentiment, but the pity for the sufferings of the poor is apt to degenerate into injustice towards the rich. Ths war songs at the end are the......
Current Literature.
. Manual of Phonography. By John Thompson. (Phonographic Dep6t.)—We suppose shorthand is meant. But the author prides himself on the complexity of his system, and compares it to......
A Letter To The Earl Of Clarendon On The Defects
of the Public Schools and the Remedy. By the Rev. J. A. Emerton, D.D. (Longman and Co.)—The writer's proposal is to test the result of the education given at schools by a public......
The Student's Manual Of English Literature. By Thomas B....
Edited by Dr. W. Smith. (Murray.)--We cannot agree to the editor's remark that the author has succeeded in making his work as little dry as is consistent with accuracy and......
The Elixir Of Youth, With Other Poems. By John Lodge
Ellerton. (Longman and Co.)—The quaint old tales which the author has con- verted into ballads, form an agreeable change from " Lines" and " Phantom Voices," and poems on......
Morning Dew. By Isabel O. Garbett. (e. Marlborough And Co.)—
The taste for parochial work, which is the prevailing feature of the present day, at all events among unmarried ladies in the country, is very apt to be regarded as a substitute......
M. Guizot As A Theological Leader.* Many Of The Readers
of M. Renan's " Life of Jesus " must have been struck by the large space which he allots amongst his authorities to contemporary French Protestant writers. A great struggle is......
Transactions Of The National Association For The...
Science. 1863. Edited by George W. Hastings, LL.B., General Secre- tary. (Longman and Co.)—No one who has not consulted one of these annual volumes can have an adequate idea of......
A Guide To The English Lake District. Intended...
pedes- trians. By a Cambridge man. (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.)—For once we have a guide-book written with a definite object from which the author never departs. It is a little......
Is Very Inferior To The First. A First Book, Which
is a success, commonly profits the publisher. The author takes his revenge with a second. This, however, is a really amusing book, because it does not fall into the common fault......