when they themselves may be liberal and wide. On the
other hand, such men will often on practical questions, which they have been com - pelled to investigate in a different manner, be singularly tolerant of diversity of opinion. This difference is painfully apparent here, but mainly in these two unlucky chapters, which deal rather with how men . ought to think than how they ought to act. A notable instance of a similar fault may be found at the bottom of page 30, where in the same breath an eminent clergyman not long dead is accused of being "shallow, utterly mistaken, and absurd " in his criticisms of Scripture, and praised as "of exceeding piety, considerable learning," and "most fragrant memory." With this reservation we wish to speak of Mr. Burgon's book most favourably. The views of the divine character of the Church and the priesthood as institutions on which it is founded we do not share, but the spirit in which it approaches and solves prac- tical questions is at once full of common sense, and at the same time marked by a deep reverential piety and a largeness of charity which are truly admirable,—another proof how easkt is for men to be better than their dogmas, and how little the holding of any given set of opinions on church government has to do with the Christian life.