We regret to hear that Mr. Childers is very ill,
with some renal disease, the Lancet says, but, as we should have thought, with worry. As if it were not enough to be baited all night in the House of Commons for saviug the taxpayers' money, the First Lord has been harassed by a sort of mutiny among his own sub- ordinates. Sir Spencer Robinson, the Controller, a very able man given to official acridity, was debarred by a recent order from active service. He remonstrated, but before his remonstrance was received, it is said, informed Government that unless his disquali- fication were removed he should resign, and Mr. Reed, the Chief Constructor, with him. That last hit, though adroit, as no Admiralty wants to lose a man like Mr. Reed, was very like an attempt to override the Government, and at first it was rumoured that the successors to both officers would be at once gazetted. It is now said that the resignations are to be withdrawn, so the State saves two good officers, at the cost of a great deal of dignity and self-respect.