We Wonder If The 2ifemorial Diplomatique Knows Anything...
If it does, all that the British Government is going to do to avenge the massacre at Marathon is to demand an indemnity, which will be paid by the Greek people, who are......
Investors Are Curiously Sensitive Upon Matters Of Form....
raising a loan of some £370,000 to pay off old debts, and has obtained the British guarantee. She offers 4 per cent. The money has all been subscribed at 104. Consols are now......
We Regret To Hear That Mr. Childers Is Very Ill,
with some renal disease, the Lancet says, but, as we should have thought, with worry. As if it were not enough to be baited all night in the House of Commons for saviug the......
The New Submarine Telegraph From Falmouth To Bombay Was...
on Thursday, and a distinguished company met at the house of the chairman, Mr. Fender, to celebrate the event, and amuse themselves with telegrams to everybody. The Prince of......
A Proposal Has Been Laid Before The Legislative Body To
abrogate the law by which the Orleans Princes are exiled from France. It will scarcely pass, but the family think this a good opportunity to put themselves en evidence, and......
Mr. Ayrton Has Withdrawn The Kensington Road Improvement...
which he proposed to give a slice of Hyde Park to a private company. Bringing it forward was no fault of his, poor man !—but he should remember that when Robespierre ceases to......
Dr. Lyon Playfair, In A Masterly Speech, Proved That The
measure now proposed, though not a complete national settlement of the question, would prepare the way for such a complete national settlement, and ridiculed utterly, on the......
Anglo-indians Will Be Delighted To Hear That...
has his K.C.B. at last. It has been given him for the smallest of the many services he has rendered to the Empire,— the aid he has afforded to Sir H. Storks, the......
The Debates Of Tuesday And Thursday On The Same Topic
were not equally important. Mr. Miall was moderate, but said nothing new ; Mr. Vernon Harcourt was flashy, but made no point beyond the by no means terrible threat of raising an......