Other amendments were discussed, and at 10 o'clock Sir Charles
Russell was declaiming against the motion that Clause 6 stand part of the Bill, when the Chairman of Committees rose, and the Parnellites left the House in a body. The proposal that Clause 6 stand part of the Bill was then carried by a majority of 169 (332 against 163). The remaining fourteen clauses were then agreed to, one by one, without a division, and on the House resuming, the Chairman reported to the Speaker that the Criminal Law (Ireland) Amendment Bill had passed through Committee with amendments. Mr. A. J. Balfour then moved that the Report stage be taken on Monday, June 27th (next Monday), when it is believed that some similar proposal for closing discussion on the Report may have to be made and , adopted. Whether the Parnellites will or will not think it needful so to act as to compel their own suspension in a body, as in 1881, is not yet known, and it is not very easy to compute the elements of an orbit so mach disturbed by opposing forces. Of course, the principle of their organization is revolutionary ; but this principle is greatly modified by the wish to retain the aid of the Gladstonians,—a wish which complicates their action with the appearance of a very singular combination of spasm and re. strand. Their centrifugal action is therefore jerky, and one never knows where the jerk will end.