The Crisis In Co-operation.
[To THE EDITOR 01 TIM "131201■102:1 Sit,—Permit me to correct some other inaccuracies. It is not prudent to accept as tree all one reads or hears ; it is not - the regular habit......
Madame Mohl.
[To urn Erma or raz Brieriroa.") !8l,—The Spectator comes to my house a week late, and as I 'disagree strongly with its politics, I do not always read it. But when I do read it,......
The Flight Of The Albatross.
ITO TRH EDITOR OW TR. SPECTATOR:1 you allow me to express the surprise with which have read the letter on "The Flight of the Albatross," which appears in your number for June......
HODGE ON THE JEWBILLEE. WE lives in a biggish villidge, sum calls it a smallish town, An' we thinks ourselves good Churchmen, au' we're all for Queen an' Crown : An' Parson he......
The "beastly Cow."
[TO THY EDITOR OF TH. Elesawrozt."] Sin,—" F. P. C." has greatly improved upon the original story of the "beastly cow." It was a member of the Committee of the "Waifs and......
[to Ran Editor Or Ran "eirsouron."]
Sre.,—" F. P. 0." is humorously severe upon my objection to the swallowing of raw animal food. He seems to think that became raw milk is an naturel, that must settle the......
"tb R Rhone Of The Fisherman Built By The Carpenter's
SON." [TO TKO EDIFON OF III "arremoa...] BIR,—I think that you allow to those whose works are reviewed in the Spectator a single privilege. It is that of correcting a......