It is certainly the age of women. In Part I.
of the Cambridge Classical Tripes examination for 1887, there is no single male student placed in the first division of the first class; while miss Ramsay, of Girton College, has attained a solitary position in the first division of that class. In the Medisaval and Modern Languages Tripos, again, there is no single male student placed in the first class, one in the second class, and one in the third; while Miss Hervey, of Newnham College, stands alone in the first class; Miss Tooke, of Newnham, in the second class ; and Miss Young, of Girton, in the third class. In this tripos, there- fore, the women have excelled the men not only in the quality of their work, but in the number of those who have gained honcars. However, the Modern and Mediowal Languages Tripos is cer- tainly not as yet a popular one, though the women perhaps are destined to make it popular.