The Democratic Convention in Chicago ended on Thursday in the
nomination at the first ballot of Mr. Cleveland for the Presidency by the two-thirds vote. Mr. Cleveland received 616 votes; ex-Governor Hill, of New York, 112; Mr. Boies, of Indiana, the Western candidate, 103; and various other poli- ticians from 36 to 1. The rules were then suspended, and Mr. Cleveland's nomination made unanimous. Each party is now provided with a candidate who has been President, and is therefore known to the entire population of the Union. Personally, Mr. Cleveland is the more popular; but the elec- tion will probably turn almost exclusively upon the real feeling of the people with regard to Protection. The Republi- cans are sternly Protectionist, and in favour of extravagant outlay; while the Democrats, though not Free-traders in the English sense, are furiously hostile to "profligate expendi- ture," and in favour of imposing only such duties as are required for the purpose of raising revenue. Both parties are opposed to the free coinage of silver, though both desire to use the two metals as " standard money" in some way which they are both careful not to define. The result will be materially affected by the behaviour of Mr. Blaine's friends, who were greatly irritated by the defeat of their favourite candidate ; but the Republicans have the advantage of the possession of power, the office-holders subscribing largely for "campaign expenses," and of the support of the- huge body of pensioners whom they are paying under pretext, of compensation for their services in the great war.