Mr. Smith Barry's Neighbours In Chester Have Warmly...
courage and firmness in fighting for his rights in Tipperary when, it will be remembered, he was, though acknowledged to be the best landlord in Ireland, threatened with ruin......
Mr. Morley Addressed His Constituents At Newcastle On...
but the reporters did not quite accurately report the passage about the relation of the Imperial to the Irish Parlia- ment ; and he has explained his drift in a short letter......
Sir William Harcourt's Energetic Effort To Show That The...
wish to prevent working men from recording their votes for the boroughs by taking the Dissolution on a day whioh will render it nearly impossible to fix Saturday for the day of......
Mr. Lewis Llewelyn Dillwyn, Who Had Represented Swansea...
House of Commons for thirty-seven years without a break, and who would, we believe, but for Mr. C. P. Villiers and Sir Rainsld Knightley, have been the father of the House of......
A Great Number Of Speeches Have Been Made During The
last week by many of the foremost statesmen, in view of the approaching General Election, to the results of which every- body sees that the highest importance will attach.......
• Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent. New Consols (21) Were
on Friday 96i.......
A Very Large And Most Enthusiastic Meeting Was Held On.
Wednesday in St. James's Hall, London, to receive and welcome delegates from Ulster. The Marquis of London- derry, Dr. Kane, and the Duke of Argyll were the prin- cipal......
Lord Rosebery Degenerates. In His Speech At Edinburgh On...
he excused his new violence by the indignation with which Lord Salisbury's incitements to Ulster had inspired him. But how is it that Mr. O'Brien's much more practical......