Lord Rosebery degenerates. In his speech at Edinburgh on Monday,
he excused his new violence by the indignation with which Lord Salisbury's incitements to Ulster had inspired him. But how is it that Mr. O'Brien's much more practical incitements to Tipperary inspired him with no such in- dignation, and that he feels none of the indignation which we feel at the proposal to put Ulster under the agitators of that squalid conspiracy which has done so much to crush the growing liberty and prosperity of Ireland? In his Whitechapel speech of Thursday, Lord Rosebery tried to depreciate Lord Salisbury's success in Foreign policy by the remark that the Gladetonians had been so generous in giving him a free hand, that his opportunities had been exceptional, and almost without any parallel. Yet surely it is not very long since Mr. Morley and others gave a broad hint to France that the Liberal Party would give France at least as free a hand in Egypt as ever they had given Lord Salisbury either there or elsewhere. Lord Rosebery's speech at Whitechapel was conceived rather in the vein of Sir William Harcourt,
which is a pity. His true genius is for something more refined and less catch-penny than that of the political cheap-jack.