Sir William Harcourt's energetic effort to show that the Government
wish to prevent working men from recording their votes for the boroughs by taking the Dissolution on a day whioh will render it nearly impossible to fix Saturday for the day of polling, has been made in vain. It is quite certain, not only that for the small tradesmen Saturday is just the busiest week-day that could be fixed, and that for the Jews it is a disfranchising day, but that, in the North at all events, the working men poll in considerably larger numbers on the
Monday than on the Saturday. Mr. Willox, sends to Wednesday's Times the numbers of the municipal polls taken on Saturday and on Monday in Liverpool. In 1890, the number of municipal votes registered on Saturday was 38,793. In 1891, the poll was taken on a Monday, and rose to 45,873. The difference was still greater in proportion in the wards which are specially regarded as the working men's wards. In Everton Ward, the number of votes cast in the Saturday poll (1890) was 8,845; while in the Monday's poll of 1891, it rose to 12,708, or nearly 50 per cent. Of course it is possible that in this respect London may differ from Liverpool ; but even in London, it is certain that, for all classes taken together, the least convenient day is Saturday, instead of the most convenient.