25 JUNE 1904, Page 40

Under Croagh Patrick. By Mrs. William O'Brien. (John Long. 68.)—Mrs.

O'Brien's book is for the most part, as one might expect, an agrarian and political pamphlet. We need not say much of it under this aspect. Mr. O'Brien has found out by this time that there are more sides than two to the land question. As for politics, we take it that when the Irish people has got all that it wants in the matter of land—and it has got a great deal more than the English people has, for who would buy an English farmer's tenant- right ?—we shall not be much troubled with it. Bed haw Aactenu.s. Whenever we get outside the polemical region, and sometimes even when we are within it, what Mrs. O'Brien writes snakes pleasant reading. We cannot take her countrymen and countrywomen quite at her valuation ; when landlords are shot, unpopular persons brought as near to starvation as is possible by