25 JUNE 1904, page 12

Venn Family Annals. By John Venn, F.r.s. (macmillan And Co.

158. net.)—William Venn, otherwise Fenn (with varieties of spelling), was vicar of 011erton from 1600-22. He matricu- lated at Exeter College as " Gulielmus Fenne, Pleb. fil.......

Vol I., " Martyrs Under Henry Viii." (burns And Oates.

7s. 6d. net.)—The first stage in the process of canonisation is a Papal decree ordering the cause to be introduced before the Sacred Congregation of Rites. The candidate then......

The Kinship Of Nature. By Bliss Carman. (john Murray....

Carman is not quite a second Emerson ; he has got to learn much in the way of reserve and restraint in style. But he takes a brave view of life, as becomes a Canadian, and......

The Home. By Charlotte Perkins Gilman. (w. Heinemann. 5s....

The purpose of this book," says Mrs. Gilman in her introductory chapter, "is to maintain and improve the home." But she certainly has a very different conception of the thing......

Boys' Second Book Of Inventions. By Ray Stannard Baker....

and Brothers. 6s.)—There is not a chapter in this book which is not deeply interesting ; but some will probably strike the reader with a greater sense of the unexpected than......

Excavations At Phylakopi In Meios. Described By D. T....

It. C. Bosanquet, and others. (Hellenic Society ; sold by Mac- millan and Co. 30s. net.)—The excavations described in this volume were commenced in 1897, and have been carried......

Our Roman Highways. By Urquhart A. Forbes And Arnold C.

Burmester. (F. E. Robinson and Co. 6s.)—The authors of this readable and interesting volume say they have "abstained from attempting any detailed examination of the course......