25 JUNE 1910, Page 15


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In the Spectator of June 18th Mr. A. W. Douglas quotes from the Christian World of "a few years ago" an advertisement which he properly describes as scandalous. It set out some wild language in praise of the Daily News uttered by a Congregational minister in a sermon, and was beaded "An Appeal to Christians." This was (in Mr. Douglas's own words) "simply a trade advertisement inserted by the business department of the Daily News." So it was ; and the Daily News no doubt suffered at the time —perhaps will long suffer to some extent—from the effects of that and other blundering indecencies of advertisement which were perpetrated then. But I think it ought to be pointed out that (as is very well known on the business side of Fleet Street) the personnel of the business department, upon which Mr. Douglas rightly places the responsibility, was changed from top to bottom some years ago, subsequent to the appear- ance of that and similar stupidities in the field of advertise- ment. This is within my own knowledge.—I am, Sir, &c.,


[It is only fair to publish this letter; but we cannot print any more on this subject.—En. Spectator.]