The Life And Times Of Hildebrand (gregory Vii.) By The
Right Rev. A. H. Mathew, D.D. (Francis Griffiths. 12s. 6d. net.)— Hildebrand was chosen Pope in a somewhat irregular fashion turaultuarie. He was officiating as Archdeacon at......
Eight Friends Of The Great.
Eight Friends of the Great. By W. P. Courtney. (Constable and Co. 6s. net.)—The gleanings from the field of biography which Mr. Courtney has collected here are not without......
Naval Wars In The Baltic.
Naval Wars in the Baltic. By R. C. Anderson. (C. Gilbert Wood. 15s.)—Few students of history, it is probable, quite realise how stubborn and how frequent was the fighting which......
Oxford From Within.
Oxford from Within. By Hugh de Selincourt. (Chatto and Windus. 7s. 6d. net.)—We cannot say that this book helps us much to understand the inwardness of Oxford life, past and......
Labrador. By W. G. Gosling. (Alston Rivers. 21s. net.)—We are glad that Mr. Gosling felt himself constrained to abandon his first idea of dealing with Labrador in a few chapters......
• Current Literature.
THE RECTOR'S BOOK OF CLAYWORTH, NOTTS. The Rector's Book of Clayworth, Notts. Transcribed and Edited by Harry Gill and Everard L. Guilford, M.A. (H. B. Saxton, Nottingham. 10........