25 JUNE 1910, Page 15


[To Tim EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In reference to your correspondent " Yorkist " and your puzzle about the Star, I may inform you that the " York " Star is a small weekly advertisement sheet with snippets of news, which has been circulated gratuitously in York during the last few weeks. It is entirely innocent of all racing tips and news.—I am, Sir, &o., F. W. LocnwooD. 24 Hambleton Terrace, York.

[Presuming that this is the explanation of " Yorkist's " allegation, we feel that an apology is due from us to our readers for the misstatement made in our columns. We hesitate to apologise to the Star, for that paper might resent it being con- sidered injurious to allege that its circulation was being pushed, or that it could be wrong to give away copies. If, however, we can do so without offence, we should like to express our regret that we allowed " Yorkist " to make the misstatement in question. We desire also to offer our apologies to the York Star for having published a letter in which it was mistaken for its London contemporary.—En. Spectator.]