25 JUNE 1910, Page 17



Srn,—Your readers have been so generous in their response to the appeal you have more than once allowed me to make in the Spectator for the Women's Holiday Fund that I hope you will again give me the very great privilege of pleading our cause in your columns.

This year we are setting apart a house for mothers and infants. This will not only prevent those in our other lodging-houses from being worried'by the noise and trouble of children (and we all know how tiresome other people's children are), but will give an opportunity to the mothers of learning many a lesson, in managing and feeding infants, from the lady whom we have engaged to supervise this house, who is a trained nurse. This scheme will increase, our expenses, but we hope much good will result from it. Applications are now pouring in, many from those who have been saving up their money so as to pay as much as possible towards their expenses. Unless, however, we can greatly increase our receipts, we shall have to refuse a large number. If those who take several holidays in the course of the year knew how many women of about forty years of age " never had a holiday" or "had a nice day at the sea five years ago," they could not, I feel faux% enjoy what they deem a necessity without first helping those whose necessities are in fact far greater to taste the joys of rest and quiet in fresh air. I enclose a Report P.S.—Donations and subscriptions will be gratefully acknow- ledged by the honorary treasurer, A. S. Daniell, Esq., Fairchildes, Warlingbam, Surrey ; Miss Crawford, secretary W.H.F., 76 Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road ; or Mrs. Frank Pownall, 7r Bicken- hall Mansions, W.