25 JUNE 1910, Page 24


Ashdown (Mrs. C. H.), British Costume during 19 Centuries, 8vo (Jack) net 12/6 Ball (W.) and Varley (T.), Winchester Painted and Described (Black) net 7/6 Barker (A. F.), Textiles, 8vo (Constable) net 6/0 Beardmore (G. B.), The Career of Freda, cr 8vo (Long) 6/0 Belloo (H.), On Anything, 12mo (Constable) 5/0

Bindloss (H.),Rancher Carteret, cr 8vo (Long) 6/0

Breck (E.), Wilderness Pets at Camp Buckslmw, cr Bye ...(Constable) net 6/0 Bridges (J. A.), A Sportsman of Limited Income, 8vo (A. Melrose) net 7/0 Briggs (B. A.), Country Cottages and Homes for Small and Large Estates, 4to (G. Allen) net 1016 Broxap (E.), The Great Civil War in Lancashire, 1642-1651, 8vo (Sherratt & Hughes) net 7/6 Burkett (C. W.), The Fernier's Veterinarian, cr Evo (K. Paul) net 7/6 Bussy (F. M.), Trish Conspiracies, 8vo (Everett) net 7/6

Carnegy (M.), Kings and Queens of France, cr 8vo (Mills & Boon) 3/6

Cobb (T.), Margaret Rutland, or Svo & Boon) 6/0 Cobleigh (R.), Handy Farm Devices, cr Svo (K. Paul) net 7/6 Comeau (N. A.), Life and Sport on the Lower St. Lawrence and Gulf, Svo (T. W. Laurie) net 12/6 Crosbie (M.), Kinsmen's Clay, cr Svc (Methuen) 6/0 Curtis (C. H.), The Book of the Flower Show, cr 8vo (Lane) net 2/6 Davis (F. H.), The Land of the Yellow Spring, and other Japanese Stories,

cr 8vo (Herbert & Daniel) net5/0 Dun 'ning (R. C.), Byline : a Drama, cr 8vo (Lane) net 3/6

Ferrero (F.), The Valley of Aosta, cr 8vo (Putnam) not 7/6 France (A.), The Elm-Tree on the Mall, Svo (Lane) 6/0

Godfrey (E.), The Cradle of a Poet, cr Svo (Lane ) op Green (E. E.), The Wife of Arthur Lorraine, cr 8vo (F. V. White ) 6/0

Griffin (W. N.), Our Heavenly Home, 16mo (E. Stock) net IN Heenan (F. De) and Dobson (G.), St. Petersburg Painted and Described, 8vo (Black) net 7/6 Hancock (H.), Lectures on the Theory of Elliptic Functions VoL I., Analysis, 8vo (Chapman & Hall net 2/6 net 21/0 Hays (H. A.), Antietam and its Bridges, roy 8vo (Putnam net 1.5/0 Home (G.), The Romance of London, royftvo (Black Hubbard (P.), Dust Preventives and Road Binders (Chapman & Hall) net 12/6 Hughes (C. E.), Conditions of Progress in Democratic Government, or 8vo (H. Frowde) net 6/0 Rune (P.), The Peacock of Jewels, or Svo (Digby & Long) 6/0

Huneker (J.), Promenades of an Impressionist, cr 8vo...(T W. Laurie) net 6/0 Jamieson (A.), A Text Book of ApplieclMechanics, Vol. V., cr 8vo (C. Griffin) 7/6 Johnston (A. W.), Law and Liberty, cr 8vo Leighton (M. C.), Convict 413L, cr Svo (W. Scott) net 2/6

(Ward & Look) 6/0 McCall (H. B.), Richmondshire.Churches, 8vo (E. Stock) net 10/0

Millar (T. J.), Management of Bookkeeping, or two & E. Layton) net 510 Montgomery (L. IL), Kilmeny of the Orchard, cr 8vo (I. Pitman) 6)0 Moore (F. J.), Outlines of Organic Chemistry, or 8vo (Chapman & Hall) net 6/6 Munson (T. V.), Foundations of American Grape Culture, 4to (K. Paul) net 5/0 (S. inS. Paul)


Nesbit i (E.), Fear, o

Redmond (J.), Home Rule Speeches, 8vo (Un Reid (W. IL), Lake George and Lake Champlain, roy 8vo (Putnam net 15/0

Rhythmic Psalter (The), cr 8vo (H. Frowde net 3/4 (Unwin net 7/6

Rogers (W. S.), Garden Planning,

Sachs (X.), Merry Tales, and Three Shrovetide Plays, cr 8vo (Nutt net 6/0 Sanders (T. W.), -Window and Indoor Gardening, or 8vo (Collin,gridge net 2/6 Seitz (D. F.), Writings by and aboutJ. A. McNeill Whistler, cr Bye

(0 Schulze) net 10/6

Sherwood A Candidate for Danger, or Svo

(A. Melrose) 6/0

Sieveking. G.), A Turning Point in the Indian Mutiny, 8vo.. (Nutt) net 7/6 Sieveking . G.), Autumn Impressions of the Gironde (Digby k:Long) net 316

Madan (D.), Qneer Things about Egypt, Svo (Hurst & Blackett net 21/0 Smyth (W. W.), Facts and Fallacies regarding the Bible (E. Stock net 3/8 Solloway (J.), The Alien Benedictines of York, 4to (B. Jackson net 15/0 Sumner (George Henry): a Memoir, 8vo (Simpkin net 5/0 Swinstead (G. H.), The Story of My Old World Garden, 4to (Baines & Searsbrook) net 10/6

Taylor (F. W.) and Thompson (S. E.), Extracts on Reinforced Concrete

Design, 8vo (Chapman & Hall) net /3/6

Tibbits (A. 0.), Marquess Splendid, or 8vo (Digby & Long) op Warren (E. B.), The Mammals of Colorado, cr Bee (Putnam) net WO

White (W. H.), Helen of All Time, cr 8vo (IInwin) 6/0

White (W. L. and G. M.), Heating Engineers' Quantities, folio (Spon) net 10/6

Wigram (E.), The Affair of the Envelope, or 8vo (Bethnal 6/0

Willcocke (If. P.), The Way II ,crIlvo (Lane 41 Wylie (J.), The Duties on Land Values and Mineral Bights (Jordan) ne 36 Young (E. B.), A Corn of Wheat, or 8vo (He inemann)