WVF SIR,—My attention has only just been drawn to the
rather misleading account of the affairs of the World Veterans Federation given by Strix in his ` Notebook ' on 21st Maya 1 should be grateful of an opportunity to correct the unfortunate impression created by your corres- pondent.
There is no ` mystery ' about WVF finances, It is also incorrect to suggest that no balances sheet is published. A full statement accounts, audited by it firm of accountants o international reputation, is presented to the annual General Assembly. It is a pity that Strix did not attempt to contact the London office of the WVF or any other responsible person connected with thz organisation. before making his precipitate criticism. Had he done so, he would have found that the position is entirely different from that described by him.
While it is true that a heavier proportion of the WVF budget has, up to the present, gone into ' Administration' than into rehabili- tation, the reason for this is self-apparent. The WVF, when it was launched not quite four years ago. had only a handful of members in five countries: France, Yugoslavia, the United States, Italy and Turkey. Today it has almost 18 million members in the following 22 coun- tries: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Den- mark, Egypt, France, Germany, Gold Coast, Great Britain, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway, Pakis- tan, the Philippines, Turkey, the United States and Yugoslavia. Naturally the task of building up so vast and rapidly-expanding at1 international organisation calls for consider- able expenditure, as has been the experience of every similar organisation.
How different the reality of WVF achieve- ments in the field of rehabilitation is from that presented by Strix may be judged from the following synoptic summary of achievements to date: Firstly, the WVF and UN have jointly undertaken: a selective placement course to be held in Sweden; a fellowship programine; a conference on the rehabilitation of handi- capped children in Italy.
Secondly, the WVF and UN are also work- ing together on preparations for: a national rehabilitation centre in Egypt which will eventually serve surrounding Arab countries; a regional rehabilitation centre in Ind'a, to serve South and South-East Asian countries; a national rehabilitation centre in Turkey.
Thirdly, the WVF in co-operation with CARE (Co-operative for American Remittan- ces Everywhere) has distributed food parcels for tubercular veterans in six countries; dis- tributed kits containing special equipment for disabled veterans in the same six countries. hospital in Greece for the use of veterans from all countries; 'conducted a two-weeks' training course for orthopaedic surgeons, limb-fitters and technicians from eight coun- tries, in London; planned a conference on prosthetics at expert level for South-East Asia; planned a course for experts, from different countries in the field of vocational and pre- vocational rehabilitation of the blind; suppor- ted the UNESCO gift coupon programme.
By stating the bald facts it is not possible to give a comprehensive idea of what is in- volved in each of these programmes, but only consideration of space prevents me from further elaboration. This should, however, suffice to show that the strictures of Strix are quite unjustified.—Yours faithfully,
C. W. FLADGATE Chairman of the Council of the World Veterans Federation 58 Haymarket, .5.W./