25 JUNE 1954, page 4

Crisis In French North Africa

The situation in French North Africa is steadily deteriorating, largely unnoticed by observers abroad. Last week in Tunisia the M'zali government resigned and its fall marks the......

France And Mendes-france

Government by hire purchase—as M. MendBs-France's man. date for one month from the French Assembly has been described—is in principle objectionable. In practice, it was......

We Have Not, Of Course, Heard The Last Of The

Crichel Down affair. The Minister of Agriculture, Sir Thomas Dugdale, has still to face a debate in the House of Commons and to find a way to deal with the indignation which was......

The Hancock Mission

The idea of sending an eminent scholar, Australian by birth, to attempt to settle some of the most difficult practical problems in a large area of tropical Africa, represents a......

Mistakes In Guatemala

It is no good pretending with Mr. Eden that the " invasion " of Guatemala is just another Central American incident. It is neither the first time nor the last that civil wars in......