25 MARCH 1865, Page 2

Lord Amberley on Friday last made a third speech at

Leeds, in which he tried to reconcile the contradictions between the pre- vious two. He did not succeed, but he did make clear what he really wanted to say about the suffrage. He really wished for a Bill larger than Mr. Baines's, had objected to that Bill because he thought it would stand in the way of the larger Bill, but had withdrawn his objection. He ridiculed the chatter about the educational grant, showing that the army cost fifteen times as much as education, and was, we are glad to say, on that point cheered by the meeting. His Lordship seems to be accepted by Leeds, after all said and done, pretty heartily, and will probably secure his seat about ten times as easily as Mr. John Stuart Mill. Who shall say we are a Radical nation ?