M. Mathieu De La Drome, The French Weather Prophet, Is
dead, at the early age of fifty-six, but his secret survives him. His son-in-law learned from his lips before his death the magic formula which will teach him to prophesy frosts......
The 'banks Of Amsterchun And Brussels Have Reduced Their...
of discount one-half per cent., the lowest quotation at both 'those establishments being 3* per cent.......
Lord Clarendon Has Introduced A Bill For Carrying Out The
re- commendations of the Public Schools Commission. The gist of the Bill is to make such alterations in the governing body of each school as shall secure its efficiency, and......
The Consol Market During The Greater Part Of The Week
has ruled heavy, and prices have steadily declined. Yesterday, how- ever, the downward movement was checked by the favourable returns of the Banks of England and France, and an......
As We Supposed, Sir Rutherford Alcock Has Been Appointed...
Plenipotentiary at Pekin, in succession to Sir F. 'Bruce. We trust the Regent of China will like a change everybody else is certain to approve, and is prepared to observe......
The Great Lock-out Continues, And It Is Stated That The
masters are not now fighting upon the question of - Unions, but are deter- mined to put .an endlo the interference of Union secretaries with individual works. They disclaim all......
The Edmunds Scandal Has Not Developed Any Very New Phase,
but some of the papers have got hold of and published Mr. Edmunds's own statement as to the part of the affair which affects his connection with Lord Brougham and his brothers.......
The Report Of The Directors Of The Scinde Railway Company
shows that the total receipts in 1864 were 94,543/., against 100,462/. in 1863, and 62,836/. in 1862. The decrease in the receipts last year as compared with 1863 is attributed......
Mr. Buckstone, Of The Haymarket, Has Been Doing Rather A
foolish thing, The Woman in Mauve, a new play at his theatre, intended to ridicule sensation drama, has on the whole proved a failure. On the first night some of the audience......
Sir 'george Grey Announced On Thursday That Both Baron...
and - Mr. Justice Byes thought justice latid;failedAm;the matter of Pelizzioni, and that he intended to bring him to trial again on the mere charge of stabbing, when he hoped......
The Annexed Statement Shows :the Closing Prices Of The...
Foreign Securities yesterday and On Friday week Spanish Passive • . .. .. .. Me D . o ic . a. Coupo . r .... Greek Do. Certificates .. 261 'Turkish 6 per Cents., 1858.. .. .. .......