THE NEW Enrnows.—We have to notice the third volume of
The .Life and Works of Walter Savage Lander. (Chapman and Hall.) This volume contains" Conversations of Sovereigns and Statesmen," and live dialogues of Boccaccio and Petrarca.—A volume of remarkable Sermons, by Rev. Benjamin Artom (Triibner), appears in a second edition. We spoke of this book a year or two ago as full of interest, besides possessing considerable literary merit. The new edition contains a sermon on " Cremation," which exhibits very forcibly the profound conservatism of the Jewish mind. The practice is, we are told in an elaborate argument," opposed both to the spirit and history of Judaism." —Mrs. Catharine M. Buckton's admirable series of lectures, Health in the House (Longmans), has reached a sixth edition within the space of half a year. It is now published " revised throughout," and in a cheaper form. In the interest of the public we wish that the decided success which it has already attained may be increased tenfold.—The Boys' Holiday Book, by Rev. T. E. Fuller (Tegg), appears in a new edition. A book which contains no mention of lawn tennis cannot be said to have "additions and corrections up to the present time."—We have to notice Graziella, translated from the French by Bertha Norwood. (Charing-Cross Publishing Company.)