The Burials Bill Rto The Editor Of The " Sr
sureros."1 SIR,—If I were a parish priest in the country, and could really persuade myself that the grievance of the Dissenters was a real one, I should have no objection, if......
"the Soldier Of Fortune."
(TO THE EDITOR OF THE “SPEOTITOR.1 Sin,—The question that has occurred to me on reading, in the- Spectator of Saturday, a brief notice of my play, " The Soldier of Fortune,"......
(to The Editor Or Ter "spectator."( Srn,—since I Wrote My
paper in the Contemporary Review, a paper which had the honour of being referred to in the Spectator of March 11, a lady, long resident in India, but now staying in London, has......
[to The Ed/tor 01 The " Spectator.1
should very much like to know what is "the liberty allowed to Abraham and to Joseph of Arimathma " which Mr. Portal feels called upon to maintain. Mr. Blomfield has referred to......