[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In view of recent
events, we the undersigned members of the Medical Profession desire to express our alarm at the possible fate of our colleagues in Austria. There are in that country many revered physicians and surgeons who are likely to fall into disfavour with the National Socialist Government, either on account of their medical or social views or on account of their belonging to the Jewish race. Judging from what has happened in Germany in the past, we are afraid that serious discrimination will be exercised against them, and that even the chance to leave a country which is no longer hospitable to them may be refused.
We beg our colleagues in all countries to watch the progress of events with the closest attention and fo do all in their power, whether by public protest or by public or private assistance, to stand by any members of our profession who may suffer hardship under, the new regime. W. RUSSELL BRAIN, W. MCA.DAM ECCLES, ARTHUR ELLIS, RICHARD W. B. ELLIS, DAVID FORSYTH, R. D. GILLESPIE, DONALD HUNTER, ARTHUR HURST, ROBERT HUTCHISON, HORDE R, KLAN MONCRIEFF, J. P. MONK; HOUSE, E. P. POULTON, H. E. ROAF, JOHN A. RYLE, ADRIAN STEPHEN, C. P. WILSON, W. H. WYNN.