A Spectator's Notebook
T O half the people who complain that the Prime Minister has no policy I feel inclined to answer " I would rather he had no policy than yours." I am as ready to criticise the......
It Is Questionable How Far A Lapse In Private Life
shoult affect a man's public career, but I am afraid Mr. Eden has now done for himself finally. He has been photographed playing tennis on the Riviera in grey trousers, and un-......
I Am Glad Sir Samuel Hoare's Address To Reading Univer-
sity as its Chancellor has been published in permanent form (by Hodder and Stoughton at 2s.). There are a number 01 passages of historical or personal interest in it. Sir Samue1......
The Efficiency Of The Daily Papers As Interpreters Of The
United States to this country is a good deal under discussion in The Spectator and elsewhere. But I wonder whether the predestined instrument is not the radio rather than the......
It Is A Bad Thing That The Polish-lithuanian Frontier,...
for almost eighteen years, should have been forced open, but a good thing that it should be open. I suppose I am one 0: comparatively few people who have been across that......
The Liberal Life
"I REMEMBER," writes Dr. Gilbert Murray in his recent Hibbert Lectures,* " John Morley once telling me how Mr. Gladstone used to ask about people who, as far as votes went, were......