For the record
Sir: Alas, Dinu Lipatti died when only 33, not 43 as stated in Noel Malcolm's other- wise excellent review (Books, 4 February). In his limited repertory he stood alone, unsurpassed, and readers may be in- terested in the compilation of his recorded works (three LPs) produced by EMI in 1980, which includes works of Mozart, Scarlatti, Chopin, Liszt, Ravel and Enes- cu, all of which are of excellent quality even judged by the recording standards of today; the producer was Walter Legge to whom we owe so much good music from that period. It may also be of interest that his only recorded tape of Beethoven, the Waldstein Sonata, was erroneously wiped clean and therefore lost for ever.
Yes, please support the recording of any tapes held in EMI, BBC, or Rumanian archives.
Christopher Parker
Priors, 5 The Brow, Friston, Eastbourne, Sussex