Deep Thought
Sir: The article, 'The Pentagon plays chess' (28 January), contains several gross mis- conceptions and factual errors. The Deep Thought project is not entire- ly funded by......
Letters Railery
Sir: Mr A. N. Wilson ('Time to turn to Labour', 11 March) laments the lack of investment in necessary public services by the Government. I do not agree with his solution that we......
Out Of The Mouths . . .
Sir: Dominic Lawson's delightful story of Dick and Stephen White (Diary, 25 Febru- ary) brings to mind the story of how the American press found out about Richard Nixon's secret......
Sir: Will The Bumblebee Adorning The Cover Of The Spectator
(11 March) sip its nectar at the table of Lady Antonia Fraser? Barbara Dorf 11 Pembridge Villas, London W11......
Diy Baptism
Sir: Readers of Michael Trend's article ('Trickling Away', 4 February) can take comfort from the fact that the Christian Church has consistently maintained that baptism, unlike......
Sir: Two And A Half Cheers For A. N. Wilson.
He is denied the full complement because it has taken ten years to grasp the elementary truth about Thatcherism. Three whole cheers for The Spectator. This may seem excessive......
Rspca Campaigns
Sir: I was greatly interested to read Aube- ron Waugh's article on Gavin Grant and the RSPCA's current campaign for a dog registration scheme (18 February). On 22 December last......