The Admiralty announced on Tuesday, as the result of daily
air reconnaissances over the Bruges Canal, that the Zeebrngge entrance was still blocked as it had been on April 23rd. Most of the enemy's submarines and torpedo craft which used the Flanders bases had been lying idle during the month which had elapsed. This is a welcome confirmation of the hopes which were founded on the successful operation. of St. George's Day. The enemy's submarine campaign must have been seriously affected by the closing of the Flanders ports, which has put many of the vessels out of action. Moreover, the 'U'-boats operating in British waters have had to return to the Weser or Elbe to refit, and that part of the North Sea through which they must pass is more un- healthy than ever now that our new minefield between Scotland and Norway has been completed. The Navy is doing its part man- fully. It remains for the shipyards to do theirs.