25 MAY 1918, page 3

Sir Hedley Le Baa, Whose Admirable Services To The Country

during the war are well known, is the proprietor of a news agency, and in the course of his business he supplied signed articles by various writers to country newspapers. Some......

The Datiy Mail And The Evening News Have Accused Sir

Hedley Le Bas of attacking the Government by grossly unfair and dis- honourable means. The accusation is that Sir Hedley Le Bea— who, by the way, was formerly a strong supporter......

Sir R. M. Kindersley, The Energetic Chairman Of The War

Savings Committee, points out that the small investor is in no way respon- sible for the temporary decline in the sale of War Bonds. The small investor contributed, on an......

China And Japan Made A Sigmiiea Nt Agreement On May

16th " with a view to warding off the danger constituted for them by the penetration of German influence towards the Eastern portion of Russia." China will permit Japanese......

Thursday Was The Third Anniversary Of Italy's Entry Into The

war. To mark the occasion, the Lord Mayor gave a luncheon at the Guildhall on Wednesday, at which Lord Robert Cecil, in a. felicitous speech, emphasized the great importance to......

Sir Hedley I.e Bas Has, Of Course, Exactly The Same

rights. It may be remembered that when Cobden was running his campaign for Free Trade and against the Corn Laws, he paid for the insertion of articles in country newspaper;......

Only By An Extraordinary Licence In The Use Of Words

can it be said that Sir Frederick Maurice referred to " a secret document." He referred, not to a secret document, but in the most general way to having seen the relevant......

On Thursday Week, On The Motion For The Adjournment Of

the House to May 28th, Mr. Runciman called attention to the Austrian Emperor's letter to Prince Sixtus of Parma, suggesting terms of peace, and asked why President Wilson and M.......

Mr. Balfour Went On To Say That There Was No

sign whatever of the willingness of German public opinion to consider a reasonable peace. It was significant that the Austrian Emperor offered France a province in German hands,......

The Nation Of Last Week Quoted The Exact Sense, If

not the exact words, of the passage in Sir Frederick Maurice's recent statement in the Daily Chronicle which had been deleted by the Censor. There can be no doubt that the......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 51 Per Cent.

April 5,1917.......