READABLE NOVELS. —The Rise of a Star. By Edith Ayrton Zangwill.
(John Murray. 6s.)—The star is theatrical and Transatlantic. The beginning of the book, while the heroine is still a child, is the most interesting part.—The Smiths in ircr Time. By Keble Howard. (John Lane. 6s.)—If these Smiths are the original " Smiths of Surbiton," they have got prodigiously old in a few years. However, Mr. Kehl° Howard's account of their not very successful efforts at war work is exceedingly enter- taining.—The Right Arm, and other Stories. By Mrs. G. de Home Vaizey. (Mills and Boon. 5s.)—These slight sketches will be welcome to the war worker as a distraction after It hard day. The first, which gives its name to the book, is decidedly ghastly.