The Note - Book of an American Parson in England. By G.
Monroe Royce. (G. P. Putnam's Sons. 8s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Royce, who is now the rector of St. Thomas's Church, New Windsor, New York, has filled various chaplaincies on the Continent, and also spent six years in England as a roving curate or /mum tenens. He describes his English experiences in this amusing and unconventional book. He was impressed favourably by the good feeling that prevailed in the typical English village, and unfavourably by the aloofness of the average Bishop and by the anomalies in the distribution of Church revenues. As he served in many dioceses, he came across some queer parsons in out-of-the-way places. Mr. Royce is a friendly observer, and English Churchmen might profit by some of his hints, especially by his remark that " it is the long face and the solemn voice that is the matter with the Church at this moment."